On our last day at Honghe University, the staff of the English department invited us to a farewell dinner at a Hani restaurant in Mengzi. For the first time, we saw a whole chicken (including head and feet), of course dead, cut in pieces on our table.
Apart from the poor cut chicken, the food was, as always, delicious and far too much to eat up everything, which you are not supposed to do in China anyways. After we had said goodbye to the staff, we took our last opportunity to go shopping in Mengzi.
The next day, the Chinese National Holiday (October 1), we left our hotel on campus very early in the morning to go to Kunming. On the way to the capital of Yunnan, we stopped at the Confucius temple in Jianshui.
Due to the National Holiday festivities, a Chinese orchestra played in front of the temple and showed us what traditional Chinese music sounds like.
Our next stop was in Yuxi, where we met Juliane, a German teacher who studied at Chemnitz University of Technology. She and her husband invited us for lunch to a hot pot restaurant.
As the name already suggests, hot pot is a hot soup in big pot standing on a gas flame. While the soup is cooking, everyone throws in different ingredients, such as salad, meat, fish, bamboo and mushrooms.
In the evening, we finally arrived in Kunming and met Mrs. Guo and her daughter, who arranged the entire China trip for our group. Both showed us around in Kunming that night and also the following morning, before we left Yunnan to fly to Hongkong.